Welcome to ciriabest Online. ciriabest Online is used to assess and monetise many of the wider benefits of blue-green infrastructure. The results enable users to understand and quantify the wider value of drainage and natural flood management measures. This can support investment decisions. Benefits can be used to identify stakeholders and potential funding routes. The online tool provides you direct access to your projects linked in a spatial format. We welcome your feedback on the tool or if you are experiencing problems please contact best@ciria.org

ciriabest includes 19 separate benefit categories and a four-stage approach (Figure 1) to help you undertake an assessment.

1. When to use ciriabest

Identify the reasons for undertaking and key drivers of the assessment. This stage also clarifies the baseline position and helps to clearly specify the assessed option(s).

2. Screening of benefits

This establishes the nature and scale of the option(s) and the assessment. It identifies what the likely benefit types will be and provides an indication of their potential significance.

3. Assessing benefits

This is the main part of ciriabest and supports the assessment of benefits using the tool. It helps to quantify and monetise the most significant benefits of the option(s) taking account of scale, location, timing, etc. It also encompasses non-monetised benefits.

4. Results

This stage draws together the results of the assessment across different benefit categories and over time. It also included sensitivity analysis and comparison of different options.

Figure 1: ciriabest four-stage approach

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